Editors' Desk

From the Editors’ Desk…

College Sadhana is primarily designed to be a research journal which highlights the innovative and pioneering research works in all fields of learning and research. It is funded and well supported by the management of V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar with a holistic mission to spread knowledge and research all over the world. Started in August 2008, it has so far made its trail-blazing streaks in the field of humanities, science and engineering. It is a multi-disciplinary journal, which encourages the researchers at all level to write and enrich the existing knowledge.

We are happy that the College Sadhana, which has been in the print right from 2008, now also enters into the world of web. It has grown up like a Bunyan tree to nestle the research scholors with their innovative and thought breaking research articles. It is globalized.

We thank and remember the help rendered by the management of V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar and the contributors for their steady report.

Managing Editor